
May 2011 Editorial

May 1, 2011

Punk rock editorialHave you ever sat and thought about all the things you have done in your life, and then thought about the things that you haven't done all because of the path you have chosen in life? It isn't necessarily a bad thing to have missed out on certain things, poor choices being avoided are also a result of your decisions, weather consciously or not. I've got to say that I am immensely happy with the path that I have chosen, sure I wish I would have done a few things different, but all in all, grateful and satisfied. Even though I am not in a band, nor do I play an instrument , I would say that I have chosen a "musical" path. All of my closest friends are music minded people and are very active in the music scene in one way or another. It's funny to think that if I had indeed chosen a different path, I probably would not have many, if any of the friends that I have. I've also been lucky enough to have made friends around the country, though sometimes that can be a bummer since I only get so see them once or twice a year. Take a second to think about the choices you have made. What is your life like? Who would you know, and who wouldn't you know if you had chosen a different path?

When thinking in terms of extremes, take a hobo for example. How many bad decisions are we away from living on the streets? In my case, probably not too many. On the other hand, how many decisions were or are we away from becoming wealthy? I guess it's impossible to know for sure until it actually comes to pass, but it's interesting to think about different scenarios. If you would have known that your life was going to turn out the way it has, would you have made different decisions? What was it that has shaped your life?

Take my best friend throughout high school for instance. We were both really into music, got very similar grades, and both had decided we were going to become lawyers. After high school we went to different colleges, he studied law, while I began to dive deeper into the music scene. He joined a fraternity, I met new friends who shared the same passion for music. To make a long story short, he is on his way to becoming an attorney while I am relatively unsuccessful; but by who's standards? I know that I am not financially successful, but though it may sound cliché, I have a wealth of close friends and life experiences that could not be purchased or learned. While he is on the road to financial success and stability, and I applaud him for that, I feel that his life is void of the things that make a person look back on their lives with fondness. Of course I may be completely wrong, maybe it's just my contentment that makes me believe this. Whatever the case, I feel that I am living my life in a way that suits my personality and satisfies what I believe I want out of life.

-Matt C.-
Editor in Chief

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April 2011 Editorial

April 1, 2011

Punk rock editorialI don't know about most people, but I tend to go through phases when it comes to music. I'm not saying that once I find something new I abandon everything else, but rather more of a rotation is what takes place. Sometimes I'll spend a month listening to nothing but 1930's dance bands like Jack Hylton and Ray Noble, and then the next month just to listening to nothing but Husker Du and The Replacements. There is never any sort of plan to my sonic desires, but just something inside, like a craving that my body needs at that moment in time.

In February I spent most of my time listening to 1950s/60s easy listening. Really swanky sort of stuff that you probably heard your parents or grandparents listening to when you were a kid on one of those big cool Hi-Fi consoles that many people seemed to have as the centerpiece of their living room. But that phase subsided, I had my fill for the moment and had a hankering for something a little more progressive, but not too far left field.

The bands that I found myself listening to in March were a little folk, a little pop with a splash of Punk rock. Nana Grizol from Athens, GA is one of the bands that falls in this category. A Very talented group of musicians. The lyrical content is also very impressive. Another band that is closely related to Nana Grizol by way of shared band mates is Defiance, Ohio. This band is definitely on the folk end of the spectrum, but there are definitely underlying Punk rock influences and themes in the music.

One of my favorites, So Cow, is also a part of my current phase. I recently was able to interview Brian Kelly, the one man band who writes all of his own music, and records it all too. This band will definitely fall in the pop and Punk end of the spectrum.

Why am I mentioning all of this? I can't put my finger on it, but it stems from a desire to make others happy, the way that this music brings me joy, in hopes that if one other person gives these bands a listen they may also find enjoyment in them.

I find that there are a lot of people out there who are into certain type of music eventually burn out on it. Of course this isn't a rule, but I have encountered so many people who were Punk to the max, and then one day fell off the face of the earth and stopped listening to punk all together. That is why I believe an open mind and variety is healthy for the music lover. It's also important not to compare two different types of music and say things like "this isn't fast enough" or "there aren't any solos". When one has a favorite genre of music and decides to compare all music to it, they are setting standard for all music to abide by. Music is all interpretation, therefore there is no bad music, just preference.

So challenge yourself to listen to something different, judge it for what it is and if you can tolerate it. If you are ignorant to a certain type of music, expose yourself to it so at the very least, you have a valid opinion of it. There is nothing wrong with having a preference, but to have an ignorant opinion is inexcusable.

-Matt C.-
Editor in Chief

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March 2011 Editorial

March 1, 2011

Punk rock editorialThe other morning I woke up and I had an itch. No...not THAT kind of itch, a desire, a longing that made me feel that if I did not satisfy it then would be unhappy. What I'm speaking of is my love of travel.  We all have something that makes us happy, something that you look forward to throughout the  year that gets you through the day. Some people pine for camping, some skateboarding. Some people are able to fulfill this desire more often than other people because of time, money or availability. My love of travel presents a bit of a problem for me, since its often times expensive to travel and also time consuming. This of course makes it an activity that I only get to experience a few times a year; far more often that others I'm sure, but for me, sometimes this just isn't enough.

The last time I was out of town was last summer. I was able to spend over a month away from home, two week of which were on the road, and the other three in various cities on the East Coast with friends who live out there. I know that I'm a very fortunate person to be able to have friends from coast to coast who enjoy my company and allow me to spend extended periods of time with them. On the other hand, it's also a bummer because I rarely get to spend any time with these people. Of course I'm able to look forward to seeing these friends all year...a couple of times a year if I'm lucky, but I always have a good time.

Anyhow, after I got to thinking about the things that I look forward to, I began to think of my friends...what do they do that gets them through the day, month or year. What is the driving force in their lives that make them push on with their lives for this ultimate reward? A couple of friends probably use skating as their "high". Of course it's pretty awesome that their opiate is so readily available and can be enjoyed quite often, that's probably something that gets them through the day. Another few friends are probably driven by the desire to play music, this joy is probably something that can also be attained pretty regularly. Of course I know some friends who love activities like snowboarding, which totally sucks, not because these is anything wrong with snowboarding, but because it's so seasonal!

Many people also use going to shows as their escape. Knowing when a good band is going to play isn't always easy to predict, especially if you live in a small town, but music is something that many of us use to escape the ugliness and monotony of everyday life. Even at shows there are kids who look forward to going in the pit and releasing that pent up energy and stress. The music and the passion is what drives and excites them.

The cool thing about these activities that they are therapy for us. They give us something to look forward to and help us enjoy life. We all have something that drives us, that so called carrot at the end of the stick. So listen to that feeling you have in your gut and think about what it is that can recharge you and make you feel hole again. Take a step back from your life and make some time to indulge yourself.

-Matt C.-
Editor in Chief

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February 2011 Editorial

February 1, 2011

Punk rock editorialThe other day I was having a chat with my sister about a problem she was having in school with some girls. It wasn't anything too serious or out of the ordinary, but when she began to explain it to me I noticed immediately that she was becoming a little flustered. I told her to stop, take a deep breath and think about the situation in a different way. I explained to her that I believe situations can be resolved much easier when thought about logically by gathering all the facts and then making a calculated decision based upon the best possible outcome. With that new advise she went to school the next day and then called me after school to thank me for my advise because everything had worked out well. I was glad to help and wondered, if logic and the search for truth are so helpful, then why do so many people choose not to use it?

We all hear and read about things happening in the world, people speculate and draw possible conclusions without ever really trying to gather facts. What is it again that our elementary school teachers said to us about ASSuming? So many people in the world decide to form opinions based on snap judgments and rumor, and never really search out the truth. Is it that there is a lack of information readily available? No. Is it that they are receiving false information from sources that are thought to be credible? Maybe. Or is everyone just really lazy? YES! Ah...but here I go forming an opinion based on feeling rather than fact...shame on me.

I like using Punk as examples in my writing, I think it's because I happen to believe whatever they do is correct and infallible... Ok, so take this average Punk kid and his parents. The Punk kid hates his parents because he doesn't like authority, music, the activities that they participate in or their pro-establishment lifestyle. The parents respect their sons beliefs, but don't happen to agree with them. In this situation the Punk kid is being closed minded and not thinking about his situation logically. If he took a step back he would see that his parents are the ones who are being open minded are respectful of their sons beliefs, and he, the one who comes from a subculture of people who are supposed to be open an accepting, is the one who is being closed minded.

You see, sometimes we can become so caught up in our personal beliefs that we come full circle and turn into something completely opposite of what we are truly striving to be. Open minded, respectful and nurturing of an array of beliefs. Sure we may not have to agree with everyone, but we should try and accept others right to have those beliefs.

-Matt C.-
Editor in Chief

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January 2011 Editorial

January 1, 2011

Punk rock editorialChristmas time is known by many as "the season for giving", but what comes after that? Does that make the  time after Christmas "The Season of Selfishness"? If it isn't, then maybe it should be. Throughout our entire lives, and especially during our childhood years we are told that selfishness is a negative personality trait and that we should always share. But what if I told you that I was a self admitted selfish person? Does that make me a bad person, or even less kind than someone who gives his own lunch to a homeless man?

What if I told you that someone can be selfish and charitable at the same time? I believe many people in the Punk scene are quite selfish individuals themselves, and here's why.

I live my life as an individual, an individual that is part of a society albeit, but nevertheless an individual who is concerned with his own well being and happiness at the forefront of my life. During an average week, one could find me doing a number of different things; Helping my grandfather, doing graphic design for friends, cooking dinner for the family, listening to music (a lot), working on something for this magazine, giving someone a ride, hanging out with friends, helping elderly friends of the family or working. The funny thing is that every single one of those things would be done for selfish reasons; simply because I enjoy doing them. They are actions that come from the heart and are sincere.  I am not telling you all of this to toot my own horn so to speak, but rather to convey that being selfish does not have to mean that one only does things that only benefit themselves. Of course besides being selfish there are things that we must do as an obligation, and must be done weather joy plays a part in the equation or not, such as caring for your children or paying a debt to someone. Of course many of life's obligations come from our own actions, and so we must take responsibility for situations that we ourselves have created through neglect or on purpose, otherwise commonly known as personal responsibility. Common sense right?

Now what about Punks being selfish? They can't be selfish can they? They are supporters of the underdog, the downtrodden and things that are unpopular and not always endorsed by the mainstream.  Why do they do it? Is there no enjoyment obtained from rooting for the little guy, or is it done simply because that's what the scene expects meaning that no real feelings or convictions play a part in these decisions. That can't be true or else Punks would simply be doing things just to fit in with a group and not out of conviction. Everything a true Punk does is out of selfishness from dying their hair, to donating time to the needy. Think about this, there's a 16 year old kid and he dyes his hair and gets a Mohawk. Even though he knows his parents don't like it he gets the haircut anyway and they let him. Selfishness. A few years later the kid graduates high school and his parents want him to go to college, but he decides he'd rather tour with his band. More selfishness. On the surface that's just a lot of self gratification, but really it's just individuality; taking one's own path to happiness. In due time he'll find out that doing things for others sometimes may indeed make him feel happier. The Joy of giving.

Though it is true, not every person will be inclined to give to others, and will never find joy in doing things for someone else, but that is greed, and though we may not like it, we must respect each person's individuality and freedom to choose their own path so long as they do no harm to others either directly or not. So go ahead, be selfish, but remember that charity, enjoyment and giving can come from selfishness too.

-Matt C.-
Editor in Chief

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December 2010 Editorial

December 1, 2010

Punk rock editorialHere we are in the last month of the year, where did the year go?

Monthly editorials are “supposed” to be a well thought out crafted prospective, but what if you don’t have that one single prospective and all you have is all kinds of random stuff, then what? Perhaps this is the prospective of a typical December. Rather that try to fake some sort of cleaver seasonal message, this will be a collection of staff thoughts as we all try to make sense of this time of the year.


Ready, start… GO…
This seems to be the time of the year that people tend to go haywire which always boggles the mind. These are the same people that are usually pretty even keel the rest of the year and yet when December rolls around they become their own enemy.

What’s with all the pressure to go out and spend money you don’t have to buy gifts for people and who is behind this, is it the churches, the government, the major retailers, the media, personal guilt?

This has been and insane year, had a job, lost a job, got another job and now glad to have a job to complain about... that atleast pays the bills. Shitty jobs should motivate us to look for better jobs. Some people have been on unemployment for 2 years, some of those people just kicked back and never looked for jobs or went back to school, others the whole time have been actively looking for work. There is something to be admired about the ones that always looked for work.

Lot of factors can get people really down during the holidays, some get so depressed that they need some serious help to cope with this time of the year. If you are feeling desperate, alone or hopeless, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), a free, 24-hour hotline and talk to a counselor. Or go online HERE and seek some assistance.

One year there was this group of friends that had a FU Christmas celebration. Rather than get caught up in all the consumerism of the holidays, this group of friends gave the gift that would keep on giving and spent their Christmas eve and day helping out an elderly lady. They had heard about this old lady that was a chronic hoarder that 2 days before Christmas was visited by the building inspector at the apartment she rented. The inspector had saw the 15+ years of hording (pack ratting) she had done which certainly posed a fire and health danger to the other tenants in the building, there was barely a path to walk inside her apartment, the situation was really bad. The lady was served with a 5-day eviction notice if the excessive contents of the apartment were not removed. The group of friends spent their holiday getting her place in order. The day after Christmas the building inspector came by to see if there was any progress. To his surprise the apartment was cleared of all the stacks and stacks of hording, the place passed the inspection and the eviction lifted. This could have been the lost scene out of the movie, Pay It Forward.

Is there some secret religion that no one knows about? The religion that gives a person free reign to just be a total jerk off human being 11 months of the year and when the calendar gets flipped to December you have to be the cool with people? This is a faith that we all should reject with impunity. What is even worse is that the rest of us that are not part of their twisted belief system take these people in, let them come to our parties or family events all because they turned into nice, generous and charitable people on December 1st .

Do you have any people around you that when you have a 12 pack of beer they are your best friends, and as soon as the 12 pack is gone they want nothing to do with you?

As for the rest of us, we are gonna like what we wanna like, if people are gonna judge us for what we wanna like then that is how it has to be.

Perhaps the greatest words ever spoken and something to keep in mind as we head into a new year:
”Just remember that you can’t return to the golden ages of the past, you must always look to the future.”
- Youth Brigade in 1984 -

Have a good time this month regardless of what you do and we will see you all next year!

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