
March 2011 Editorial

March 1, 2011

Punk rock editorialThe other morning I woke up and I had an itch. No...not THAT kind of itch, a desire, a longing that made me feel that if I did not satisfy it then would be unhappy. What I'm speaking of is my love of travel.  We all have something that makes us happy, something that you look forward to throughout the  year that gets you through the day. Some people pine for camping, some skateboarding. Some people are able to fulfill this desire more often than other people because of time, money or availability. My love of travel presents a bit of a problem for me, since its often times expensive to travel and also time consuming. This of course makes it an activity that I only get to experience a few times a year; far more often that others I'm sure, but for me, sometimes this just isn't enough.

The last time I was out of town was last summer. I was able to spend over a month away from home, two week of which were on the road, and the other three in various cities on the East Coast with friends who live out there. I know that I'm a very fortunate person to be able to have friends from coast to coast who enjoy my company and allow me to spend extended periods of time with them. On the other hand, it's also a bummer because I rarely get to spend any time with these people. Of course I'm able to look forward to seeing these friends all year...a couple of times a year if I'm lucky, but I always have a good time.

Anyhow, after I got to thinking about the things that I look forward to, I began to think of my friends...what do they do that gets them through the day, month or year. What is the driving force in their lives that make them push on with their lives for this ultimate reward? A couple of friends probably use skating as their "high". Of course it's pretty awesome that their opiate is so readily available and can be enjoyed quite often, that's probably something that gets them through the day. Another few friends are probably driven by the desire to play music, this joy is probably something that can also be attained pretty regularly. Of course I know some friends who love activities like snowboarding, which totally sucks, not because these is anything wrong with snowboarding, but because it's so seasonal!

Many people also use going to shows as their escape. Knowing when a good band is going to play isn't always easy to predict, especially if you live in a small town, but music is something that many of us use to escape the ugliness and monotony of everyday life. Even at shows there are kids who look forward to going in the pit and releasing that pent up energy and stress. The music and the passion is what drives and excites them.

The cool thing about these activities that they are therapy for us. They give us something to look forward to and help us enjoy life. We all have something that drives us, that so called carrot at the end of the stick. So listen to that feeling you have in your gut and think about what it is that can recharge you and make you feel hole again. Take a step back from your life and make some time to indulge yourself.

-Matt C.-
Editor in Chief

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