
Los Angeles Concerts

June 22, 2009

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 Shows and events calendar for Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, San Diego, San Bernardino, California and states all over the United States and the world. Complete and extended listing covering Punk, Indie, Rock, Psychobilly and more.

AWOL 69 – Demo

June 22, 2009

AWOL were an early 1980's precursor to the iconic Orange County hardcore band, Doggy Style. Since Doggy Style and all of its variations had a constantly revolving lineup, over the years several members of AWOL served time in the Doggy Style army, including Ed "Shaggy" Caudill, who carried a few of AWOL's songs over to the Doggy Style roster.

Two of those songs ("Donut Shop Rock" and "Ladies From Neptune") appear on this demo, which was recorded by Paul Roessler of the Screamers and DeadBeats. While these familiar tunes are a welcome addition, the songs that stick out the most are "AWOL" and "City Life," which both show off vocalist, Tim Fyke's hardcore snarl. "Accept It" and "Beat Your Meat" both break things up a bit with some added ska parts to the mix.





Punk Rock Academy Fight Song – Fun, Fun, Fun

June 21, 2009

Lets get right to the point for this one. Its the first day of summer, I just saw the The Queers play last night and I LOVE the Beach Boys. No intellectual analogies and no apologies either. I flat out love this band. now when people talk about the Beach Boys two things usually come to mind-its either a bunch of middle aged white people in Hawaiian shirts at a fourth of July barbecue drunkly shouting out the lyrics to “Sloop John B.” or its music snobs blathering on about intricate melodies, shimmering harmonies and the revolutionary us of the therein on “Good Vibrations”.

Luckily I don’t fall into those two camps so allow me to explain why it is that I find those guys in matching Pendleton’s from Hawthorne so amazing. I have always loved surfing, surf music and those damn Beach Blanket Bingo movie. Unfortunately I grew up in lovely San Gabriel California-a place known for smog, killer Chinese food and a crumbling old mission and a good ways away from the ocean. So on those sweltering days with stage one smog alerts I dreamed of driving a hotrod to beach and meeting my own little surfer girl and it was all because of Brian Wilson. The beach boys were sort of my gateway drug into surfing and  to me the Beach Boys have always represented the idealized version of summer and the pure innocent fun that comes with it. That’s right I said the F-word. F-U-N. All too often in our crazy lives we forget about just having a good time. We start taking ourselves way too seriously, we get mired in our responsibilities, fears and obligations. Who has time for fun when you’ve got a mortgage and North Korea is aiming a missile at Hawaii? Well sometimes it has to be about fun. I spend 10 months of the year trying to keep kids out of trouble, listening to their problems and browbeating some of them to get their grades up. After all that Its nice to listen to songs about fast cars, cute girls, and catching waves.

Now this all seems to do little justice to the true musical genius of the Beach Boys and would tend to lump me in to the afore mentioned Hawaiian shirt gang. More importantly I haven’t even mentioned anything about rebellion, revolution or nonconformity. The Beach Boys arent dangerous, they are beloved by people in the Midwest hell they even had John Stamos play drums for them at one point. They weren’t trying to tear down the establishment and no one will ever mistake Mike Love for Joe Strummer so what the hell i am thinking including them in a column about Punk rock. Well that my friends is a quite simple. Punk rock was and has always been about putting the fun back in rock n roll. Sure its political at times and most of our heroes tend to be on the anti-authoritarian side but part of the danger came from having fun. Two minute burst of pure, uncompromising pop fueled fun. So its summer time grab your girl, grab your board, hit the beach and crank up “Surfin USA”. Oh and if don’t think the Beach Boys have anything to do with punk rock then you probably have never heard of a little band called The Ramones. Here endeth the lesson

-Daniel N-




Rancid – Let the Dominoes Fall

June 21, 2009

Rancid - Let The Dominoes Fall albumRancid have always come off as a bunch of hardcore dudes, but on this album they show a more sensitive side to them. They even have an acoustic song on here and its not half bad. Tim Armstrong's lyrics are pretty much unintelligible, but when you read them its pretty awesome to find out what he's really saying, the guy's a Punk rock poet.

Musically, the album is kinda commercialized, not much hardcore stuff on this one. I have to give it up to new drummer Branden Steineckert formerly of The Used. I used to think Rancid's drumming was weak and 1 dimensional, but Steineckert has stepped it up a notch. On songs like the reggae influenced "I Ain't Worried" he really shows his signature style which is tight and energetic. My personal favorite song is "This Place" which features vocals from Lars Freidrickson. Right from the beginning of the song it gets all in your face with his cigarette snarl of a voice. True hardcore fans of Rancid will most likely write this off as a commercial sell out album, but honestly its pretty good once you get over the whole Punk rock formula thing.

1. East Bay Night
2. This Place
3. Up To No Good
4. Last One To Die
5. Disconnected
6. I Ain't Worried
7. Damnation
8. New Orleans
9. Civilian Ways
10. The Bravest Kids
11. Skull City
12. L.A. River
13. Lulu
14. Dominoes Fall
15. Liberty and Freedom
16. You Want It, You Got It
17. Locomotive
18. That's Just The Way It Is Now
19. The Highway

-Bobby Vega-

Big Wheel music scene reporter




Music play list for the week ending June 21, 2009

June 21, 2009

Top 25  - In no particular order -

Art Brut - Alcoholics Unanimous
Lou Reed - Stupid Man
The Germs - Dragon Lady
Rancid - Last One To Die
The Faction - Terror in the Streets
Ozzy Osbourne - Mr Crowley
Franz Ferdinand - Lets Get High
Madness - My Girl
Verbal Assault - Exile
Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way
Reno Divorce - Last Dance
Meatloaf - Bat out of hell
Narcoleptic Youth - Class Of 99
Barry Manilow - Bandstand Boogie
Action Pact - London Bouncers
The Nils - Scratches and Needles
China White - Dangerzone
Lily Allen - Not Fair
The Adolescents - No Way
The Adicts - Songs of Praise
NOFX - Shut Up Already
Subhumans - I Don't Wanna Die
Lower Class Brats - Saftey Pinned And Sick
MDC - My Family is a Little Weird
Mike Watt - Tug Boat or Ball Hog

The above list are some of the top played songs amongst our staff this week.


This weeks playlist brought to you by: No Way Records

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Shows and events calendar for Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, San Diego, San Bernardino, California and states all over the United States and the world. Complete and extended listing covering Punk, Indie, Rock, Psychobilly and more.

Circle Jerks – Channel 3 – Disguster – at House of Blues – Anaheim, CA

June 20, 2009

Circle Jerks imageEver since August 15th 2008, fans have been waiting patiently for the rescheduled Circle Jerks show. Tonite was finally the night when fans of all ages lined up at the House of Blues in Anaheim to see and hear some classic hardcore Punk music.
The night began with Disguster, a dynamic and spirited band from Fullerton. Their songs were catchy with energetic hooks, which resulted in the crowd moshing wildly. Disguster payed homage to one of their influences, Led Zeppelin, by covering the song "Communication Breakdown", pleasing the ears of everyone, mainly the older fans.
Disguster photo
The lead singer of Disguster, KC, proved to be one of the craziest people of the night, by dancing and standing on a red stool, singing with intensity and getting the crowd prepared for Channel 3.
Disguster MySpace:
Channel 3 is a Punk band from the 80's era, consisting of Anthony Thompson, Art Silva, and Mike Magrann and Kimm Gardner, who mentioned that they have been best friends since they were in the second grade. During their set, it was evident that Channel 3 was part of the O.C. Punk scene, because of their mature lyrics and fast riffs, similar to the Adolescents and Agent Orange.
Channel 3 photo
The band played hits such as "No Love" and "I Got a Gun", fulfilling the audiences desire to hear some hard Punk melodies.
Channel 3 MySpace:

When the curtain opened to reveal the Circle Jerks, fans roared eagerly and excitedly. When Keith Morris started singing, the rest of the band furiously began playing their instruments and the whole floor became a pit filled with sweat, blood, and love for the music.

The band played well-known songs such as "Stars and Stripes", "All Wound Up" and "Wild in the Streets". Keith Morris made numerous Disney references to movies characters like Mary Poppins and Peter Pan due to the venue being in Downtown Disney, which demonstrated his pungent and satirical sense of humor. Morris also dedicated a song to Hermosa Beach, California and the rest of the South Bay, making me and a handful of other fans from that area extremely happy.
Circle Jerks Photo
Near the end of the set, the Circle Jerks performed some of their most popular songs off the album "Group Sex", such as "Beverly Hills", "I Just Want Some Skank", "Deny Everything", "Back Against the Wall", and my personal favorite, "World Up My Ass". These songs and others showed off Greg Hetson's impeccable guitar skills, Zander Schloss' incredible bass talent, and the fury of drummer Kevin Fitzgerald.

The Circle Jerks then exited the stage, leaving the crowd begging for more, chanting "CIRCLE JERKS!" until the band finally emerged.  The encore was so amazing, it's almost indescribable. They performed four Black Flag songs, including "Revenge", "Gimme Gimme Gimme" and "Depression". Fans were crowd surfing and losing shoes, hats, and even shirts, feeling the power and the aggression that Keith Morris poured out. The unbelievable encore had made the crowd highly satisfied and left our ears ringing with the sublime sound of the Circle Jerks unforgettable performance. Not too bad for a show that was way overdue.
Circle Jerks MySpace:

-Sarah K.-
Big Wheel Music Scene Reporter

More photos of the show can be seen HERE

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