
Interview with Loreana Rushe of Henparty

March 9, 2011

Interview with Loreana Rushe of HenpartyInterview by: Matt C

I was lucky enough so speak with Loreana Rushe, one of the two members of the wonderfully disgraceful band from Ireland 'Henpaarty'. Here is the inside story behind the sonic madness that is Henparty!


You can download the entire Henparty - Lads album for FREE HERE at Rack and Ruin Records


I had never heard of Henparty before I spoke with your band mate Brian Kelly outside of a So Cow show. Can you talk a little bit about how Henparty got started and what its all about?

Henparty formed in the Summer of 2009 when myself and Brian were djing together in a club in Dublin. I came up with the name Henparty as it was the most revolting term associated with a warped sense of fun that I could think of, which sums up our music.

I have the LADS album and I love it because it's just so silly and fun. Are the music and lyrics a combined effort between you and Brian?

We wrote out some ridiculous song titles on the back of a flyer to form the basis of LADS 12". We had it all figured out and separated the song titles into who would write certain songs. The next day, Brian had recorded Wolfgang Birth Control and the demo was waiting for me in my inbox and we took it from there. I then stayed with Brian in Galway for 3 days and we wrote and recorded all the other songs in that space of time. We watched Guided by Voices dvds, Soap Operas, Moon and drank copious amounts of vodka. We both have a very similar sense of humour so the majority of our lyrics come from our banter and Brian being the genius that he is will have a melody in seconds. Simple as that!

Do you play any instruments in the band?

We both swapped around, except Brian played drums and I played the saxophone on everything. A hairdryer was also involved.


Who exactly is involved in Henparty?

Omar Plastic and Bear McFlurry, our disgraceful alter egos. Vinny from Adebisi Shank (credited as Phileas Fogg on LADS) did a remix for the first album but he's planning on making more of an appearance on the next record.

Who or what is a Baggage Clam?

Baggage clam was a term used during a chat conversation when Brian was touring America in 2009 with So Cow. He forgot the name of where you collected your baggage and called it a baggage clam. It was then twisted into a filthy joke and the song wrote itself from there.

There are 5 songs that I am head over heels for. BBC2, Baggage Clam, Nun Weasel Priest, Incontinence Carpool and Going to the Toilet. This actually isn't even a question, I just had to say it.

Right on!

In a perfect world, if I asked you what type of music you generally listen to, you would tell me other bands like Henparty, but I know that cannot be so. What is you preferred choice in music when you aren't playing in HP?

My favourite bands are Smashing Pumpkins (89-00), Guided By Voices, Olivia Tremor Control, Archers of Loaf, Minutemen, Halo Benders, Jim O'Rourke, Japanther.... The list is endless. I love the 1980s, Jazz, minimal techno... I'll listen to anything if it's good, I soak it all up!

Have you played any live shows, or are you strictly a recorded band? If so, what kind of response has Henparty generated?

Brian did an acoustic solo show supporting Big Monster Love's album release gig a few weeks ago and I got up and did BBC 2 and Olympic Gall Bladder with him and the response was really great. If we do our own live show it will be a one off crazy memorable performance, maybe when the new album comes out.

How long have you known Brian and how did you meet?

We've known each other for about 7 years now. We used to write to each other when he lived in Korea. I can't actually remember how we met but I'm sure it was hilarious. I must ask him now that you've mentioned it.

There was a band from Los Angeles in the 1980s called "Twisted Roots" that Henparty reminds me of a little. Do you often get compared to any other bands?

The Vaselines or bands off Flying Nun Records would be our biggest comparisons, which is awesome. We were once describe as sounding like early Wedding Present had David Gedge sung with a half smile, instead of a furrowed brow.

Are there any plans for Henparty in 2011?

We are currently writing our second album, called "These Men Are Spoken For" which we plan to record as soon as possible. I think we're going to make more of an effort with it in terms of physically releasing it, we gave away the first one for free because we didn't think anyone would have any interest in it. We made it for ourselves really.

Is a U.S. tour or at least a U.S. visit out of the question?

I would absolutely love to if I could afford it, not sure who'd actually come to see us live though!

Thanks for taking some time to have a chat with me. All the best of success to you and Brian.

Thank you! :D


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