
Wilko Johnson – at The Lemon Tree – Aberdeen, UK

September 17, 2011

Wilko Johnson - at The Lemon Tree - Aberdeen, UK - September 17, 2011For the few who are not already aware,  Wilko was the original guitarist in Dr. Feelgood and wrote most of their classic songs which he still performs to this very day. Bass is by the brilliant Blockheads bassist Norman Watt-Roy, they have one of the country's top jazz drummers' Dylan Howe on the drums.

Wilko and the guys arrrive on stage, no airs and graces straight into it. Wilko is an artist who always gives a memorable performance with eyes bulging and pointing his guitar at the crowd in an maching gun like style. Norman is ripping up the bass on a few solos, bending like reeds in the wind as he plays it cavorting his body in many shapes and grimacing like he is pain but the crowd love it and him.

We get “Back in the night”, “Roxette”, as well as a few current songs and they finish on a great rendition of Johnny B Goode. The crowd have all had a good time and hang around as the band come down to sign cds etc, and speak to the adorning crowd.

-Dod M.-

Big Wheel Staff Photographer
/ Overseas Correspondent

More photos of the show can be seen HERE


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