
Trash Talk and Shook Ones at the Pharaohs Den – Riverside CA – April 4, 2009

April 4, 2009

So for a last minute concert I wasted 14 dollars it wasn't bad at all. If you kids don't know about the new wave of hardcore music coming out than you have been living under a rock for quite sometime.

So the line up for this show that wasn't supposed to really happen and was supposed to be a secret was held out in Riverside CA. The line up was Resistance,Comadre,Rotting Out, Shook Ones,Trash Talk (they were a Secret Band), and have Heart. It was held in the Pharaohs Den off of University Ave.  I came in a bit late but didn't miss much so it really didn't matter to me. I came in just as Comadre was setting up. The set was a good start to getting introduced to what was come for the rest of the night. Fast guitar riffage and crazy hardcore kids swing their arms wildly. Most of the on lookers were wanting to join but couldn't due to their lack of upper body building and skinny jeans keeping them from moving fast.

All and all the crowd was pretty pumped. At this point I will let the readers know that I have no idea what any of the bands set lists were so im going to just B.S. My way through the havoc that was Happening on the Dance Floor. Anyways next up was Rotting Out. They surprised me with their set up. The drummer was waring sunglasses like shades from Do that thing you do. The lead singer was doing the Henry Rollins back and forth walk batting the kids to come and take him on. Most of them did and I was surprised once again by the intensity of the crowd. Shook ones were the odd balls because of their more melody based hardcore but after a couple of songs you could tell that they were staying with what they know. Kids were sing, toes were tapping, and fist were still flying. I think I might have picked up their set list off the floor. The last band I got to see was Trash Talk. It has been many times that I missed out on seeing them but this time I got a chance. It took sometime to get set up but once they were done. They set the place on fire. They rocked it so hard the air condition broke and started leaking on the crowd. They Played dig about 3/4's into the set and that's the only song I can remember form the whole show. After they ended I walked out bought some merch and headed the fuck out. Walked out to my car and turned it on cranked up my radio and blasted some Fucked Up. All in all the show was fast,quick,and over like lat minute sex in a bathroom stall. Dirty and loving it.

On the scene reporter
