
Tiger Army – Goddamn Gallows – Death March – at Slim’s

October 19, 2012

Tiger ArmyI couldn't wait for this show, not only have I been a Tiger Army fan for many many years but I've been a close follower of Skinhead Rob since Transplants first exploded on the Punk scene back in the early 2000's, for me this show was a double whammy with two main acts and i was super stoked.

I got there a little before doors opened and i was instantly put in a bad mood
when security at the door made me throw away my sharpie markers before entering,it sucked because I had to carry around my Transplants records for the rest of the night and I didn't have anything for Rob to sign them with. I understand rules and regulations though and now I know to hide them before entering again. I think my wife's make up bag would be a good place, ha. Anyway, Right when i entered there was already a big crowd there, a good mix of rockabilly and Physcobilly looking people which was cool because I really like that pin up style. Me and my wife and some friends got a beer shortly after heading in and made our way to the front of the crowd.

After a second of being up front, I instantly noticed Tim Armstrong, Lars Frederiksen and Matt Freeman of Rancid at the side of the crowd, I was totally stoked to see them as I'm a huge fan. They were obviously there to show their support to Skinhead Rob's new band, it was not only totally rad too see those guys but also very cool of them to be there, at that point I wasn't even thinking about those sharpie markers.

Just after 8:30 the curtains opened and Death March ripped out on stage, these guys are hardcore and fast and started the show with a serious bang. Their style is fast HC Dbeat Punk, it was like a machine gun going off. There was very heavy drums, fast guitars and lots screaming gravely vocals from frontman Skinhead Rob Aston and guitarist Freddy.

Anyone who expected them to sound like Transplants was in for a surprise, they were so good, so energetic and very passionate. Death March played for about 20 minutes or maybe a little longer and there wasn't a dull moment in the whole set, my ear drums may have gotten a serious pounding but it was really really good and I can't wait to see them again. My favorite songs were “Race to The Grave” and Stand and Die” but every song was killer. I picked up their new cd after the show and it's really really good, check them out on Facebook and go get their ep, its totally sick.

The second band was something totally different, its cool when shows have a good mix of styles. I hadn't ever heard of The Goddamn Gallows but I was excited to see them especially when they all got on stage and I noticed one of them playing the spoons and another with a washboard.

The Goddamn Gallows are a Psychobilly folky punky kind of act, something unique really. I thought they were pretty cool but my wife really liked them a lot. They played for quite a while, there songs were humorous and fun and between songs they would do tricks with spoons and cards etc. They had kind of a hillbilly country feel to them and their performance included banjos and washboards but played out over a punky Pyschobilly sound. They were a good band to have on because they seem to really get the crowd moving and dancing and well, having a great old time. They have a lot of stuff out and if your into that kind of music check them out.

Than it was time for Tiger Army, there was a good gap between The Goddamn Gallows and Tiger Army but it was kind of nice because everyone got to go outside and get some air or hit a beer.

Tiger Army came on and instantly the place sardined again, everyone upfront was moshing and jumping around in excitement. First on stage was James (drummer) and Geoff (stand up bass) they started a nice introduction and everyone was cheering, a moment later Nick 13 (Lead Vocals and Guitar) graced the stage and that's when the show really started. I haven't seen these guys since 2005 and that was back in Dublin, Ireland so it was really exciting for me. As Geoff slapped the hell out of that bass and James gave those drums no mercy Nick 13 sang his heart out, there songs are catchy and interesting and they are for sure one of the best if not the best Pyschobilly Punk bands out there. Their mix of punk, rockabilly with added darkness is something unique and powerful and I really enjoyed their set.

Nick 13 was cool and came out to the crowd every so often, you can see that they are having fun and they have been together for quite some years, I believe I heard them say they started here in the bay area in 1996. They sang all of my favorite songs including “Rose of the Devil's Garden”, “Cupid's Victim” and “Incorporeal” among other fantastic songs spanning from their early days right up until more now.

A highlight of their amazing set was when they called up their original drummer Adam Carson (of the killer band A.F.I.) to play the song “Temptation”, it was an amazing and special performance as they have not played together since 1996, and I was sure happy to be there and see it happen.

All in all it was a great night, great bands, great crowd, everything was rad. I cant wait too see all these bands again.

-Brian McCann Jr-
Big Wheel Contributor




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