
The Casualties – Krum Bums – Mouth Sewn Shut – Destructive Bastards – Glass House – Pomona, CA

August 28, 2009

The CasualtiesIt was 7:10pm when I arrived at the Glasshouse in Pomona and the place was swarmed with people. Many formed a line waiting to get inside, others were walking around trying to get money, and many were just sitting across the street waiting for the show to start or for their friends to arrive. There was another interesting thing that was going on in Second Street that I have never seen before. An inflatable movie screen was set up with a projector and many local residents were set up in their lawn chairs surrounded with munchies waiting to enjoy the feature presentation of the night. Another thing surrounding them were the punks, skins, and all others who were waiting anxiously for the show to begin. Our Feature presentation for the night included Destructive Bastards, Mouth Sewn Shut, The Krum Bums and, the one and only, The Casualties.
Punk show
8:00 rolled by and a quarter of the crowd has made their way inside. Security was tighter than usual so it took longer than expected for one to get inside.  Unfortunately, I had trouble getting my tickets so I missed Destructive bastards and Mouth Sewn Shut. Although I was not inside, I was able to somewhat hear and see them from the outside. Destructive Bastards was the first band to go up.  This local band hails from the San Gabriel Valley who, prior to this show, had just finished their first west coast tour with The Runts. During their set I was able to see, through a small opening, their two vocalists, Skyler and Melissa singing their lungs out with great energy from their first to last song. From what I heard being outside, their set was awesome.
Mouth Sewn Shut
Second band up was Mouth Sewn Shut. Just like the Krum Bums, this band is also on tour with The Casualties. 9:00pm came by and I was finally able to get my ticket and immediately got into the line which was still long and still growing. It took awhile for me to get inside so I missed out on Mouth Sewn Shuts set except their last song. The pit was large and the crowd was energetic singing aloud “asshole” in unison with the singer. Mouth Sewn Shut rocked the fuck out of the Glasshouse.
Krum Bums
Third up was the Krum Bums. The crowd immediately reorganized in front of the stage. By this time, the room was very hot and extremely humid. It felt as if we were in a giant sauna. The Krum Bums began to play and, in a heartbeat, the place went insane. Flying bodies, projectile sweat and spit, erratic movement and behavior; this was just the band, now just imagine how the crowd was in return. They played all their best songs, did a Black Flag cover in which Rick from the Casualties came out and sang along, and they played “Misery” in their encore. Krum Bums highly energetic stage performance has only increase more and more since the first time I saw them in 2006.
The Casualties
The roadies immediately came onto the stage after the Krum Bums finished and set up the gear with lightning speed. Cases of water bottles were also thrown out into dehydrated crowd by the staff. It’s Tough being in the front. Stamina, endurance, and strength determine if one can withstand the scorching body heat and endless pushing while they maintain their spot in the front. It’s always great when the venue throws out water bottles to the crowd.
The Casualties
As soon as The Casualties came onto the stage, a massive human tsunami came unexpectedly from the back to the front of the barricade. Halfway through their set Jake suggested a change for the pit, he wanted the crowd to try the infamous wall of death. To my surprise, the crowd formed two walls and clashed with each other and continued to pit the night away. The Casualties played a song from almost all of their albums they’ve ever released. “For The Punks”, “Ugly Bastards”, “Made in NYC”, “Blitzkrieg Bop”, “Media Control”, “We are All we have”, “Unknown Soldiers”, “Get off my Back”…there’s way too many to list. This was a show that no one should’ve missed. If you missed this show you still have one more chance to see The Casualties at the Cobalt Café In Canoga Park on September 27th, 2009.


-Rob Nuisance-
Big Wheel Music Scene Reporter

More photos of the show can be seen HERE

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