
Squirrel Nut Zippers – at the Santa Monica Pier – Santa Monica, CA

July 23, 2009

Squirrel Nut Zippers photosWe arrived at the Santa Monica Pier after a long 3 hours of traffic ready to party at one of the many concerts in the 25th Annual Santa Monica Pier Twilight Dance Series. Johnny Vana and the Big Band Alumni were opening the show. The members of the Big Band Alumni have made history performing with many of the celebrated orchestras of the Big Band Era.


Their  music and voices have been heard throughout the years in numerous movies, television shows and commercials. It's so cool to see people in their 60's, 70's, and 80's still playing gigs. And I couldn't help but imagine how those guys must have partied back in their hayday!

People of all ages showed up to dance and take part in the cool the beach atmosphere. Dance instructors were giving free lessons on the dance floor while The Big Band Alumni was performing. I kicked back at a small restaurant on the pier, drank some beers, and made a few friends.

What I really drove from Bakersfield to Santa Monica for (aside from the break in the 105 degree weather) was a band called The Squirrel Nut Zippers. They were formed in 1993 and are about to be releasing their 9th album sometime this summer. It will be a live album called "You are my Radio". Of all the swing style bands that broke out on the scene in the 90's, I have to say that The Squirrel Nut Zippers stood out to me because of their Creole, jazz, big band, blues, swing fusion sound. It made them difficult to categorize. And easy for me to be smitten with.

I contacted them earlier in the month because I thought they would add some diversity to the site, plus I think they rock. Chris Phillips had no problem putting Big Wheel on the VIP list, and I actually had a chance to chat with Stuart Cole. These guys have been laying low for quite some time and when the topic of where they have been for the few years came up, quite simply, he said they were lost at sea! But I gotta say they are back with a vengeance and this band hasn't lost their chemistry! They were colorful energetic, funny, and sounded better than ever. Katherine and Jimbo's vocals were amazing! And musically, the rest of the band kicked ass! It took you far away from California in 2009 and into the bayou's of Mississippi in 1935.

Like the Zipper's say "If it's good enough for granddad, it's good enough for me!" 

If you are a lover of great live music and you get the chance, you should check em out next time they come to an area near you. Or you can just keep an eye out for their new live C.D. that will be coming soon!

Band website:

Band MySpace:



-J. Moncrief-
Big Wheel Music Scene Reporter


More photos of the show can be seen HERE

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