
Quadrophenia the musical – at His Majesty’s Theatre – Aberdeen, UK

August 18, 2009

Quadrophenia the musicalQuadrophenia - the stage show. The up and downside of this well known story meant that many people had high hopes. If you are expecting a stage version of the film you will be disappointed. However if you are after an evening of excellent singing, choreography and music from The Who then you're in for a treat!


 Quadrophenia the musical
I was first surprised as we walked into the theatre to hear that the lead character was being played by four actors. It sounds like it could be silly but seeing as the ‘quad’ in the title relates to the four different personas of the lead, Jimmy, it did make sense, and it was very cleverly done. Each actor had a different manner but it was clear to see they were all the same character. The choreography was excellently done and the crossover between each of the Jimmy’s was superb. The main Jimmy even looked much like “Phil Daniel's character from the movie”.
Quadrophenia the musical
There was non-stop music, all from The Who of course, with some extra hits thrown in that weren't in the original film. This did mean there wasn't any actual dialogue but the performers sang their way through a moving performance and relayed the show with dramatical accuracy.
Quadrophenia the musical
The show finished with a great crescendo of song with the full cast joining in ‘Love Reign O’er Me’. It was a moving end to an emotional performance, lightened by the cast chanting “we are the Mods” with most of the audience joining in!


Words by Dod and Sally M

-Photos; Dod M.-
Big Wheel Overseas Correspondent


More photos of the event can be seen HERE

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