
Pussy Cow – The Ignorant – Bobot Adrenaline – at Juanita’s – Highland Park – Los Angeles, CA

January 22, 2010

Pussy CowTonight’s fun takes place up in Highland Park which is just a few mile north of downtown LA at Juanita’s. For the uninitiated, Juanita’s may be one of the chillest places you will every have beers at, hand out and watch bands. The place is completely devoid of hipster cool types, you know the crowd that wears sunglasses at 11 at night and al the related post Goodwill garb.

Ok, we digress, so we are here because Pussy Cow is doing their album release ….it is about gawd damm time… so they know we are all pissed off about the wait and they went and released two records at the same time (damm, talk about saving money of promotion).
Bobot Adrenaline
Opening up the record release show was the band that was awarded our 2008 Record of the Year award, Bobot Adrenanline. No one seemed to mind having this headliner kick off the night with tunes from their drawer of songs that included Penalty Box that was featured in the Tony Hawk Underground video game, Radio Tikrit and Dumb Bomb that will be on their new album that is expected to be released in February of 2010, among many others. Seriously solid band every time they play. Have your life not suck and go over to their MySpace and listen to some tunes as you add yourself as a friend.
The Ignorant
Sandwiched in the middle of this show was The Ignorant. In looking over the logs, it looks like BW has listed plenty of their shows, yet had never delivered some press on them, guess we just can’t be everywhere. As the band got their gear set up, our crew got our drinks set up for their set. WOW, right from the get got, this band ripped our faces off with their high energy and very tight set. They certainly draw some Clash influence from their sound mixed in their some good, old school LA in your face stage vibe and you have for the good time that is The Ignorant. If you have not seen this band perform live, do yourself a favor, go!
Pussy Cow
After a bit of an intermission and getting our new Pussy Cow “Koozies” in place over our chilled beers, the show that would make Cal Worthington blush was to begin. As was noted earlier, Pussy Cow released a couple of albums tonight that are titled, Drinky Birds and Ride. The band is now banging on the door of their 5th year as a band that all started at the Kiss Or Kill Club at the Echo way back. With a throng of believers assembled, Pussy Cow took the stage to break in these 2 records. The set blistered through just about every song including our personal favorites, Hope We Don’t Suck, Me & Ice-T, I Love The Muffs and Jello. If you had ever lost your faith in Punk rock, now is the time to believe again, the time has come to believe in PUSSY COW!
Pussy Cow

Big Wheel Music


More photos of the show can be seen HERE

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