
No Violence in Our Scene Music Festival – at Yost Theater – Santa Ana, CA

October 20, 2011

Originally scheduled to take place on May 7th of this year, the 2011 No Violence in Our Scene Music Festival arrived on Saturday at the newly refurbished Yost Theater in downtown Santa Ana. The event was produced by Concrete Jungle Entertainment and consisted of two stages and 20 live bands.
The all day event commenced at 1 p.m. and finished by 9 p.m, however, ins and outs were allowed and this offered concert goers the leisure and freedom to come and go throughout the day. The all ages event provided food, a full bar for those of legal age, and merchandise vendors that sold hair bows, accessories, patches, and t-shirts. The event also served as a CD release gathering for La Pobreska's newest release, "Estamos Unidos."

The 20 band line-up consisted primarily of Ska/Skacore bands from the Los Angeles Area, though some Orange County locals such as Anaheim's Mafia Rusa and Garden Grove's Not A Chance also performed. The two stages for the event were both located inside the venue, with one being built upstairs, and the other being the main stage in the venue. The bands performing the event were split between the two stages all day, with some bands playing at the same time. Some of the better known bands performing consisted of Union 13, Left Alone, Viernes 13, Red Store Bums, Chencha Berrinches and La Pobreska.

The newly refurbished Yost Theater provided a stunning new change, with an ample dance/pit floor, seating against the walls similar to the Key Club, and a bar at the very back similar to the Henry Fonda Music Box in Hollywood. The decor and overall look was in fact very similar to the Fonda Theater, yet The Yost Theater maintains a larger venue and more modern design. The large space on the floor allowed for full circle pits and endless skanking.

The Yost Theater's Ska event resulted in a mass of people who paid homage to the event's "No Violence" agenda by creating an atmosphere of music, festivity, with no regard for drama whatsoever. Indeed, the event provided grounds for kids who are thoroughly into their music, and have no other concerns except for what song they want to pit to all night. The No Violence in Our Scene Music Festival garnered support from people who care about maintaining peace and unity in the scene, ultimately providing a positive message for the kids.


-Stephanie M.-
Big Wheel Senior Staff Reporter

More photos of the show can be seen HERE


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