
Neurosis – Savage Republic – Ides Of Gemini – at The Fonda Theatre – Los Angeles, CA

January 4, 2013

Neurosis - Savage Republic - Ides Of Gemini - at The Fonda Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - January 4, 2013The first show of the year should always be one of immense magnitude, so it’d make sense that I would find myself at the Fonda Theatre Friday night for Neurosis, Savage Republic and Ides Of Gemini.


The show began at 9:30 pm sharp with an opening set by the trio known as Ides Of Gemini, a band who may look tame at first glance but offer up a sound that is anything but. There weren’t many people who seemed familiar with the band or their music, though if they had I doubt most could sing along in the same style that vocalist Sera Timm belts out her lyrics in. For better or for worse their music seems like its in a style of their own which I certainly do respect, and if you catch them soon you too will know what we mean. By the end of their set they had won over the growing crowd and put on quite a show that was gonna be hard to top by any band.

Neurosis - Savage Republic - Ides Of Gemini - at The Fonda Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - January 4, 2013

Savage Republic were up next and a bit more in your face with their performance that night. The sounds coming from the stage at times were a bit chaotic as their tribal like rhythms seemed to be fit for pulling fans into a psychedelic trance where dancing and nodding around would be appropriate. Bass and vocal duties were shared between members as they often switched roles every few songs which was really cool. At times I was reminded of a bit more insane Joy Division with the roughness of Jaz Coleman’s Killing Joke thrown in for good measure, they certainly had the UK post-punk feel down to a tee. It was nice to learn that the band is American and actually from Los Angeles and have been around for nearly 30 years. Their music may not be the most ideal for a metal show opening slot, but the unusualness of it all mixed in with their performance made for something that everyone in the venue seemed to be stoked on. Their 45 minute set served as a bridge into the dark world where Neurosis would feel most at home performing.

Neurosis - Savage Republic - Ides Of Gemini - at The Fonda Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - January 4, 2013

By the time Neurosis hit the stage the Fonda Theatre was filled to maximum capacity as there were every type of metal head occupying the venues space in every direction you looked both on the main floor and balcony area. The stage itself was dark lit and set the kind of atmosphere that goes along perfectly with the kind of metal Neurosis play. The droning sounds coming from the heavy tuned guitars mixed with dark synthesizer tones along with low bass caused the venues walls and floor to shake like no other concert any of us have experienced at the Fonda in all the years of going to concerts there. If there was ever a band to work a dark room to their advantage it certainly is Neurosis, the way they take a song and build on it and its surrounding atmosphere is definitely inspiring and makes for a visual and audibly exciting experience that lasts for hours. When we say hours we mean about 3, that is how long it seemed they played as it was almost 1 am when their set concluded. During their set we felt a heaviness that is unmatched at a volume that is so ear crushing it might be considered dangerous to be exposed to for long periods at a time. At one point during their show I saw two people vomiting at the same time, perhaps it was from head banging, too much alcohol consumption or food poisoning? I’m gonna say neither! It was the epic heaviness of Neurosis that was too much for their weak bodies to handle! As the show ended it was evident that we had all experienced something so grand and epic, Neurosis certainly owned up to the title as one of the best metal bands to see live.

Neurosis - Savage Republic - Ides Of Gemini - at The Fonda Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - January 4, 2013

What a good way to start off the year, big thanks to Goldenvoice and Neurosis for starting things off right in 2013.


-Louie Bones-
Big Wheel Staff Reporter




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