
Municipal Waste – Dwarves – Stop Breathing – and World Salad – at The Country Saloon – Las Vegas, NV

May 25, 2012

Municiple Waste - Dwarves - Stop Breathing - and World Salad - at The Country Saloon - Las Vegas, NV - May 25, 2012This years Punk Rock Bowling is going to be one of the most epic and over the top extravaganzas seen in the 14 years since the festival started , if the club shows on Friday night are any indication.

Last night found me outside of the Country Saloon, where the line was already getting long, with at least 45 minutes before the doors were to open. The band playing at the restaurant next door decided to play to the crowd waiting outside, instead of playing to an empty restaurant.  Seeing punks bouncing to bad cover songs is pretty fabulous, so my night started with a smile, and that smile didn't leave my face until the end of the night. The openers for the evening were Albuquerque based hardcore band Word Salad. They gathered a fairly decent sized crowd from the get-go with the pit starting almost immediately. Wood floors + spilled beer = punk rock pit slip 'n slide. The fans gathered for their set were dedicated and full of energy.

Municiple Waste - Dwarves - Stop Breathing - and World Salad - at The Country Saloon - Las Vegas, NV - May 25, 2012

You can find Word Salad HERE

After a short break, Ventura's Stop Breathing took the stage and the crowd went ape-shit. Well, one dude did--after doing a header behind the barricade, it took 3 of the huge security guards to get him back into the crowd. I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of thrash, but I found myself bouncing along to each and every song Stop Breathing played. They put on a great, high-energy show and if they play near me, I would definitely go see them. You should too.

Municiple Waste - Dwarves - Stop Breathing - and World Salad - at The Country Saloon - Las Vegas, NV - May 25, 2012

Go to their page and like Stop Breathing HERE

The energy and tension in the audience was rapidly rising and as soon as The Dwarves took the stage, the gloves came off and it was nothing but 45 minutes of pure adrenaline and madness. They opened the night with "Act Like You Know", and threw in "FEFU" for good measure. Standing next to me were some cougar's on the prowl looking to hook up with band guys. Some words were exchanged with the girls next to them, then it was nothing but claws and hissing for the cat fight. Security quickly kicked both litters out and we were able to get back to the show. About halfway through the set they brought out special guest Joe Raposo, former bassist from Rich Kids on LSD, to sing along with Blag (the best-looking man in show business). They broke out songs like "Pimp", "You Gotta Burn", "There Better Be Women", and "Let's Fuck" and bodies were flying in the pit and onstage. One guy in particular was a stage diving fiend--at the end of the night his shirt was speckled with blood, some his and some of it belonging to others.

Municiple Waste - Dwarves - Stop Breathing - and World Salad - at The Country Saloon - Las Vegas, NV - May 25, 2012

Go give The Dwarves some love HERE especially you, ladies

Intermittently through the set, Blag would crowd-surf, and during one of these times HeWhoCanNotBeNamed flew onstage from the wings and it was pandemonium. As always, The Dwarves live show was fucking amazing and they are one of the few bands I will see anytime they come through town.

       Video overview of the show

Municiple Waste - Dwarves - Stop Breathing - and World Salad - at The Country Saloon - Las Vegas, NV - May 25, 2012

I think most of the crowd came for The Dwarves,  because after their set the club rapidly emptied, which was unfortunate for headliners Municipal Waste. Based in Richmond, VA, they brought some east coast thrash energy to the typically laid back west.

Municiple Waste - Dwarves - Stop Breathing - and World Salad - at The Country Saloon - Las Vegas, NV - May 25, 2012

The dedicated fans who stayed started chanting for them to take the stage almost as soon as the stage emptied. As soon as they finished their first song, the lead singer asked, "Who the fuck's idea was it to bring out a thrash band to a punk rock bowling festival"? Well, whoever thought of it? Good job, unknown person, good job.

Municiple Waste - Dwarves - Stop Breathing - and World Salad - at The Country Saloon - Las Vegas, NV - May 25, 2012

To follow  Municipal Waste click  HERE 

-Anni Thyme-
Big Wheel Staff Reporter


                     More photos of the show can be seen HERE

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