
Majorelle CD release show with Lysolgang – at All Star Lanes – Eagle Rock, CA

August 19, 2011

MajorelleFor many a mile stone in our lives is just graduating high school or not getting fired from a job more than two time in a year. However for a band a mile stone is just getting the songs you have wrote recorded and getting them put out on an album. Friday night marked that point in Majorelle's musical career.

The CD release party took place at the All Star lanes baling alley up in Eagle Rock (north part of Los Angeles). The bar area had a decent stage and a very generous bar that served up good drinks at a good price which provided the perfect back drop for this party.

Opening up the party was the Lysolgang. What is so appealing about this band is that they don't roll around with a lot of fanfare, yet the moment they take the stage they put on a good set that is tight and entertaining. The melodic mix of sound with a gravely voice really stood out as this three piece tore through their set.

Then is was time for Majorelle to take the stage to consummate their CD release. Playing the songs off their new CD that was released on Northeast Records, their no bullshit set lasted about 23 minutes that left the audience wanting to hear more. However Marjorelle would take the high road and end it right there while they were on top. Take a look at the short video to get some highlights from the show.

Some video from the show

Good Times !



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