
Kevin Seconds – Dan O’Mahoney – Sam McPheeters spoken word – at Chapman University – Orange, CA

March 5, 2010

Recently Dan O'Mahoney has taken to doing semi- regular spoken word performances around Orange County. Dan O' over the years has sang for a number of heavy hitting Hardcore bands such as No For An Answer, Carry Nation, 411, and Speak 714 and has also published collected writings in two books called Three Legged Race and Four Letter World. At this particular gig he invited Kevin Seconds to join him as well as Sam McPheeters of Born Against and Men's Recovery Project. Being a complete Hardcore nerd I knew that this was something I'd have to check out.

The performances were quite diverse- McPheeters did a quirky stand up comedy routine, while Dan O' took on more serious subject matter such as religion, substance abuse, and social structures in a very personal way. Kevin Seconds performed last and mostly told stories that were related to playing solo or with 7 Seconds. All of these performances were impressive in their own ways. Dan O' gave dimension and a personal face to some of the subject matter that he has dealt with in heavy hitting lyrics with the various bands that he has played with. It helped to bring more meaning to these ideas and he expressed emotions that aren't always easy to convey while yelling over thundering music.

McPheeters had everyone in the audience cracking up at a story about a tough guy who goes on a rampage when he needs lotion for his knuckles that are battered from serving beatings to a number of people. Kevin Seconds' stories ranged from being hilarious (his reaction to a teenage girl who referred to his solo material as "boring old man music") to shockingly disturbing (a kid in a 7 Seconds shirt getting brutally beaten and thrown off a balcony by Nazi skinheads at a gig in Texas in the late 1980's).

Following the three performances a group question and answer segment was run with audience members asking questions about the collective legacy of Hardcore and the philosophies that go along with the music. While some of the subject matter may have been intellectually heavy the three performers also managed to be entertaining and keep everyone's attention throughout the night.


Big Wheel Asst. Editor


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