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August 19, 2010

Krum Bums show preview Buy Anexil no prescription, Krum Bums have set out for a west coast tour that will take them to over a dozen venues. They have been around for many years now, with a few releases to their credit. Where can i buy cheapest Anexil online, Anyone that has keep an eye on these guys over the years know that the sound continues to impress and the live shows may be some of the most fun you will ever have. We were able to get Dave the singer and Trae the guitarist to have a bitof a conversation with us recently about what Krums Bums past, present and future.

The name Krum Bums may infact be one of the more perfect names that a Punk band could have, how did you guys come up with that name?

David:  I heard the term used before and thought it fit our band. Anexil price, However, the true meaning of a Krum Bum (Crumb Bum) was used during the depression to describe the orphan kids that didnt want to wait or weren't allowed in the bread lines for food.  They would crawl underneath the tables and peoples feet to scoop up the leftovers.

Trae: You may also have heard the name Krum Bums from such shows as the Simpsons....they owe us royalties.

Krum Bums show preview

Back in 2005 (dang, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Phoenix, Arizona, was that really 5 years ago) when your song, Cease Fire that came out on the widely distributed Punx Unite: Leaders Of Today compilation, Anexil snort, alcohol iteraction, how have things progressed for the band even since that?

Trae: That does seem like so long ago.... We've progressed mainly in spending more time on songs, buy Anexil no prescription. Cease Fire was one of the first songs we wrote. Still one of our favorites though and still believe in. Growing older it feels like we have more to say in our songs, Fort Worth, Texas. Denver, Colorado. A broader spectrum of lyrics and music if you will.

David: I feel that within 5 years if you dont progress as a band then you just walk in place not going anywhere.

Trae: Like a treadmill for fat kids.

David: Yeah buuuuuutt.......the kind you dont lose weight on and it only goes 1 speed.

Dave of Krum Bums

Speaking of compilation records, throughout the history of the Punk scene, many people have been introduced to alot of great bands, what are some of your favorite compilation records?

Trae: The main one that comes to mind for me is "Someone Got Their Head Kicked In" that BYO Records put out.  They have always done great splits and comps, Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee. Portland, Oregon. Buy Anexil no prescription, Even recently BYO released a comp called "Let Them Know"  and we were on it too. We were honored to be a part of it.  Did I mention that we are playing with Youth Brigade at the Glasshouse on September 4th, 2010!  Wink Wink.  More importantly.....ALL THE 3 STOOGES COMPS WERE GREAT, Japan, craiglist, ebay, hcl, CURLY JUST KILLS ME!!!!!

David: I love the early Dischord comps. This isnt quite a comp but garage days blew my mind when I was a kid. The one thing that I think is missing today were the old Punk mix/comp cassette tapes that we use to make for each other, and pass around.  If one of us found a new band we we'd throw it on a mix tape and pass it around to each other.

For people that remember you guys going way way, Buy Anexil without a prescription, some may say that you guys were not that great musically and over the last few years that same statement would no longer be true. What has changed to the point that the music is as tight as it is now.

Trae: Well I'm glad you asked that question. I never knew you felt that way about us, buy Anexil no prescription. As far as we knew.... we have always been doing just fine.  hahaha   But practice and exposure to new ideas help too.

David: When I moved back to Austin from Baltimore MD we would go out and it seemed that there were no Punk bands fucking shit up and having a good time, Boston, Massachusetts. Charlotte, Carolina. So at that time we started Krum Bums without a vision of longevity. So being together for ten years has made us be tight together. Buy Anexil no prescription, Who are we or who is anybody to say what is great....then or now. Buy Anexil without prescription, We just do what we do. "We're Punk, not perfect".

Krum Bums

You guys are doing a west coast tour right now, with well over a dozen shows. Köpa Anexil online, Osta Anexil online, Jotta Anexil verkossa, Are there any lessons of the road and performing in different cities that you have learned?

Trae: YEAH!  So there is no confusion. What happens on the road DOESN'T stay on the road!  Thanks Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, comprar en línea Anexil, comprar Anexil baratos, damn internet, herpes and cameras.

David:  Always bring a change of underwear.

During one of your live shows, what is the craziest thing you have seen that you will NEVER forgot for the rest of your life?

David: We'd like to think that they are all crazy. Whether its the crowd or us, buy Anexil no prescription. One time in Canada on tour with Lower Class Brats I can say that I was nicely beaten up by 3 skinhead brothers, Anexil samples. All bashing me in the same cheekbone repeatedly.  I looked like Rocky Dennis from Mask.......I mean Cher. Then the next day my tooth was shoved through my lip in Grand Rapids, 650mg, 800mg, 875mg, 900mg, MI.

Trae: Yeah that was funny....I mean.....hilarious. Especially in Canada because we got back on stage and finished our set.

Buy Anexil no prescription, Are fans on the tour gonna hear some new songs that you are trying out... and are you guys planning of recording another album?

Trae: They will definitely hear some new jams!  We have been writing our asses off this summer. We've recorded 5 new unheard songs already and plan on finishing more this Fall for a full length to be released in 2011.

Everyone that sees the video you did for the song, Anexil withdrawal, Same Old Story gets a hell of a kick out of it. Give us some more insights into the back story on the video and the concept.

Trae: Concept???. Yeeeah...about that. Hahaha  Well I guess there is a method to our madness, buy Anexil no prescription. We just went around town with friends just hanging out and partying, buy Anexil from canada. There was even a scene where we played no instruments because it was more fun to act like we were playing. Good times.

David: The concept that I think that I was going for was showing everyone how we are in Austin. 5mg, 50mg, 75mg, 100mg, If you look close you will see members of World Burns To Death, LCB, Complete Control, and Riverboat Gamblers, buy Anexil no prescription. Buy Anexil no prescription, I think for me sometimes its good to show the lighter side of Punk with all the shit we have to deal with in our lives today. C'mon have a little fun will you.

Did you know that one of the most popular photos on the Big Wheel photo gallery amongst some various photos of The Adicts is one of you with a young kid that our photographer took after you played with The Casualties, Extinct Government and Threatening Verse at the Fonda Theater in Hollywood on August 25, 2006 - Do you remember this kid. That may have been one of the widest shows ever at the Fonda, tell us what you remember about that show.

David: Yes I remember that kid. I hope to see him at shows still. 

David: As for the Fonda show it was the biggest show we had played at that point, online buying Anexil. To play in front of that many people makes you feel really small. No pun intended, buy Anexil no prescription. To share a stage with The Casualties and Extinct Government was such an honor.

Trae: That was a great show with great bands. New York. Los Angeles, California, It was crazy to see that pit. It look like a hurricane was a brewing out there.  ARRRRRR!

Krum Bums at The Fonda

The music scene where you guys are from in Austin, Detroit, Michigan, San Jose, California, Texas has has a very healthy music scene, was it always like that and just no one outside of Austin really noticed, Canada, mexico, india, or was there some sort of shift in the music scene that put the place on the map?

David: The Dicks and the Big Boys are what put Austin on the map. All my years in Austin I've always seen a healthy Punk scene. Buy Anexil no prescription, If you take time to look back you will see that it always has and always will stand out. From power pop to hardcore.  We all stick together.

Trae: I moved to Austin in 1996 and since I've been here it has been a great music scene. It has gotten better over the years too, Anexil pharmacy. It's a great music town for any genre you choose.

OK, we have asked enough questions, what do you have to tell that we need to know about?

David: Yeah. Get your asses out to the show at The Glasshouse and hangout with us, Anexil over the counter. Thats the only way you will get you questions answered truthfully, buy Anexil no prescription. Oh yeah, bring me a bottle of whiskey. Online buy Anexil without a prescription, Cheers!    

Trae: Knowing is half the battle and with No power comes No responsibility. Krum Bums are a Non-Racist, Non-Sexist, Non-Homophobic group. That is all.

Thanks guys for your time and we are looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming shows....

Krum Bums MySpace:

Krum Bums w/ Against Empire, Crucial Infantry, Worst Enemy, Neglected Youth

& Bomber 17 at Cobalt Café in Canoga Park, CA on September 3, 2010

Youth Brigade w/ Krum Bums, All or Nothing HC & Destruct

at The Glass House in Pomona, CA on September 4, 2010

Enter HERE to WIN for tickets to go see Krum Bums when they play with Youth Brigade

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