
Stalingrad – Loseland -Les Vieux Punks

September 9, 2008

Les Vieux Punks here is a CD you have to get! ...and every one else should too! People think that what we do here at Big Wheel is glamorous and fun, for the most part it is not...however it is getting music like this in the post that makes all the work that is done here worth it.

Here is how this really started. While trolling MySpace one day we wound up on one page and then another then to another MySpace page...then we hear this band Stalingrad on this page which turns out to be the smallest record label in the world. Stalingrad did not even have a MySpace at that time.... that's pretty Punk. Any how we hear this song Les Vieux Punks which means, "The Old Punks" on the record label's My Space and were hooked. The song was straight up contagious and had such a great was very reminiscent of the later Red Alert stuff that you will find on the Still Out Of Order release. In any event we are always sent music in all the time to write reviews on, but this was one of the times that we graciously asked if they would allow us to do a review of the bands records. Well many weeks later we get a post from France with both the full CD of Loseland and the 6 song EP...and three of us grabbed the envelope ripping it open. A little back story on the band, this band got formed in 2004 and yea they are vet Punks, yet they totally blow away most Punk bands that have members their age that just put a band together out of nothing in the the last few years.

OK, back to the CD, the words are all in French and being that we don't speak fluent French really was not a buzz kill at all. When you do music right, it does not matter and the whole thing translates....actually may be a cool way to learn another language is to get a CD like this. In a way not understanding the words made it kinda cool... you had to translate your brotherhood with fellow Punks from another country. Both the full length and the EP are excellent and are highly recommended that you get them both. We just wish that we were gonna be on a plane in October of 2008 to go see them live for their
October, 25 2008 performance at Red Turtle Café in France and bring you all back the photos of the show...if anyone has the coin to float us to go, we will go all the way to France to bring you back a show review.

Get the CD's here (  because we doubt that you will be able to roll into a record store here in the US and find these releases.

Here is the band's My Space,
add them now so you dont feel like a dick later:
