
Lenny Lashley’s Gang of One – Illuminator

June 12, 2013

Lenny Lashley's Gang of One - IlluminatorIn some ways, reviewing a great album is much easier than reviewing an average or, god forbid, a bad one. You just spill out all the things you like about it, and that's that. But sometimes an album is so good it grabs you, holds you spellbound and immobile until it is finished with you. And then you hit the play button again. You want to tell everyone about this album, so that you can talk about it with them, so you can see that experience play over their faces, but you are trapped.

Lenny Lashley's new album, Illuminator, is one of these. 

Ten new songs from the former Darkbuster frontman are scheduled for release June 25th, though the album is also streaming online and available for pre-order already. Illuminator kicks off riotously energetic, as a good Punk album should, with the defiant "Kingston", and the snarlingly nostalgic "Hooligans". The album runs a gamut of styles, however, transitioning into an acoustic stretch before closing out with the furious "Re-Covering". 

The honesty in this album is at times almost painful, like the reflections of a broken relationship in "Happily", but the songs evoke sadness with understanding and courage instead of wallowing in self pity, and the pace of the album brings you through the sad parts and back to energy and hope. Musically and lyrically this is a very eloquent album, sure to reveal a new little sneaky twist even on the hundredth listen.


You can hear the album yourself HERE

Then when you're ready to buy a copy, hurry HERE to Pirates Press, as the two color vinyls are already sold out, and you'd hate to miss this


-Jo Problems-
Big Wheel Staff Reporter


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