
Jay Reatard- Matador Singles 08

October 31, 2008

Jay Reatard Record ReviewThe first half of this record sounds like a party plain and simple. It evokes comparisons to the Violent Femmes, Generation X, the Ramones, and (dare I say?) Andrew WK while adding some weird undertones a la The Adverts. All of this is done with pop sensibilities that would give Buddy Holly a run for his money. This sounds too good to be true but somehow this guy from Tennessee musters up enough brilliance to make the greatest Punk / Indie party music to come out in a long time. However as great as he is at writing barn burning party tracks he is also able to tone things down as the second half of this singles collection shows. Songs like "No Time'" and "You Were Sleeping" are dark but still unsentimental and brutally honest. Reatard does not spend his time trying to write sweet or "touching" lyrics but instead calls people out with a harsh tongue and Punk rock attitude even when the music is more low key.

Out on Matador Records


