
Fallujah 71 – Waiting On World War III

April 25, 2009

Fallujah 71 album imageIn looking at the overall package it is absent of a record label and the band just put this out themselves, Ohh my gawd… how did the record labels out there screw up and not sign this band? …what a mistake, yet maybe in the label’s defense they did not know about this release, so pay attention. One of the key things when you put out a record is sequencing, and from the get go this album opens up with the title track, “Waiting on World War III”, it throws you on the ground and kicks your teeth in. Plenty of early 80’s LA Punk vibes can be felt in the songs with some throwbacks to some of the early UK bands. The guitar work and overall production on this record is very good while still keeping the sound credible. The vocals are sung with a sneer without being overdone and are placed appropriately to give lift to the music. As this record plays you can’t help keep picking up the package the album came in to make sense of the incredible sound verses the package that has a chick laying on the beach sucking a cocktail on the cover. A lot of the songs are tongue and cheek satirical to an extent with the underlying message of how they are interpreting the issues of the day. A favorite on this album would be the song “Psycho Neighbor” mainly because we have all had the misfortune of living next to one. The album ends with an excellent rendition of “Praise the lord and pass the ammunition”. Those are just a couple of the 13 tracks you will find on this debut release. This is one of those albums that when it is playing you are glad that you own this album. Again, how did the record labels miss this one?

Some of the smarter record stores around will most likely be carrying this album or you can check out the band's MySpace.

Band MySpace:


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