
Crime Desire – Every Day In Chains

January 10, 2010

Crime DesireThis 45 r.p.m. 12" E.P. has four songs of heavy, dirge driven hardcore songs. This is a brutal record which sounds a bit like Citizen's Arrest or the slow songs on Negative Approach's "Tied Down" album. At times Crime Desire show some metal influences, but there's no mosh beatdown cheesiness here. The lyrics are pretty heavy, at times even a bit gorey, like in "Carrion" which has uses some cannibalistic imagery- "Draped/In the stench of death and human flesh/Feeding on what remains/Feasting on the decay," not exactly the type of stuff that you would want your grandmother checking out. Regardless, the music is powerful though the mixing job on the recording leaves the guitars a little too quiet to bring out the true intensity of Crime Desire's live performances.

The only break taken from the band's heavy approach is in the bridge of the last song called "Eye of Balor" which features some melodic female vocals over an ominous and atmospheric guitar part. While it's admirable that Crime Desire try to mix things up a bit, this part of the song actually might take away more than it adds, but they promptly go back to playing their usual, crushing style, ending the record with more brutality.


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