
Kill Pixie art show opening reception with the sounds of Autolux

May 24, 2009

Merry Karnowsky Gallery is proud to present “I'll Hit You Up Tomorrow,” a solo exhibition by Australian artist Kill Pixie . The opening reception will be hosted by actor Tim Roth, and the exhibition features a collaborative installation by Kill Pixie and the band Autolux.

Kill Pixie (Mark Whalen) began as a graffiti artist on the streets of Sydney, Australia. His medium of choice nowadays is mostly ink and acrylic on paper mounted to wood, and coated in shiny resin. Inextricably embedded in their geometric, candy-colored environments, Kill Pixie's humanoid characters are like puppets compelled to enact roles prescribed by powers beyond their control. The machinery and structures are all made up of much smaller objects, giving the impression of a kaleidoscope opening up into ever more intricate worlds.

In Kill Pixie's meticulously crafted work, the viewer senses the indomitable spirits of creativity, humor and resistance, and the power of adaptation. His work questions the games people are forced to play, as it fractures and realigns old divides between street and studio, and reinterprets the universal human struggle between our antagonistic instincts for freedom and control in the contemporary era. For Kill Pixie's rapidly expanding audience around the world,the work points toward dynamic new understandings that will be necessary for survival in the future of our world.

Since 2006, Kill Pixie has shown in a constant stream of exhibitions in Los Angeles, London, Australia and Berlin. Izrock Pressings recently published his first book, Kill Communication. It includes 64 pages of fine art paintings and works on the street. Kill Pixie has also appeared in publications such as Juxtapoz, Modart Europe, Arkitip, and Monster Children.

In 2008, Kill Pixie was awarded the Sydney Music, Arts & Culture Award for Best Visual Artist. He currently lives and paints in Los Angeles, California.

For more info, contact:, or call 323.933.4408

IMPORTANT: Autolux is not playing live at this event. They have provided music/sounds for the installation. The opening is free to everyone, so please come.
