
8 Types of People to Defriend on MySpace or Unfollow on Twitter

March 25, 2010

Seriously, there are alot of whack jobs and wanna-be's and flat out nobodys all over MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. We've all seen them, the band that puts out a bulletin every hour to tell you about a show when in reality what they leave out of the bulletin is that their band has zero following and the continuous bulletins is in hopes that they can get a strong 15 or so to show up (by the way, the bands that are very good and worth seeing usually don't put out bulletins all day long -just a tip). Then there is the faux Punk sites that all day long have to remind you how Punk they are('nt), the faux hipsters, to the straight up losers and complainers -Yes, we have them all amongst our friend list.

Everybody has people clogging up their social networking sites with frequent updates, annoying pictures, and general stupidity. If you know any of these people below, it's time to cut the cord -These are the people you must ditch now.
The Overuser, The Oversharer, The Proselytizer, The In-Joker, The Replyer, The Meme Lover, The Fisher and The Nobody.

Here is a great article that help you ID these types. We could not have wrote a better article and the folks over at Gawker nailed it with this one. Read the entire article
HERE >>>
