
Los Angeles on New Years Day 2010

January 1, 2010

Welcome to 2010! If you are reading this, that means you are alive and survived another year. So a grip of us wake up on New Years Day, groggy, hungry, our wallets are still in our pockets and faces managed to not get written on. Not really having any idea what do do, we just tripped around LA looking for food and perhaps a nip of the hair of the dog that bit us the night before. Here is a look at some of what we saw as we drove around celebrating making it another year.

Oki Dogs
Gotta get some food and after a night of abuse, nothing keeps the party going better than a visit to Oki Dogs.

This was alot better than going to dine with the hipsters and cool people

Can you imagine what the conversation in this place must have been like -"I'm cool, Your cool, nice face.

This is where you hit play on the Dead Kennedys record, Plastic Surgery Disasters and drive.

Time for a break

Don't believe it

Los Angeles has a museum for everything, isn't LA great!

Overhead view of downtown Los Angeles
Things sure look weird from up here.

What movie is this market from - "Beer, I hate beer"

That is a taste of what LA looked like on January 1, 2010.

To see more photos of the day, GO HERE



