
September 2009 Editorial

September 1, 2009

Punk rock editorialFor the past week it has been unbearably hot in Southern California. Fire season is starting out here along with the beginning of the school year for the youngsters and it has been necessary to stay cool in whatever way possible. When it gets to be over one hundred degrees it is absolutely essential to have access to high quality cold beverages. For me the classic summer drink has always been lemonade. After all when life hands you highs of one hundred and three you'd better make sure someone is making lemonade.

Country Time Lemonade has always been classic in a Kool Aid/Tang sort of way but we all know that the best lemonade is the fresh squeezed stuff. If you've ever had the experience of drinking lemonade from a farm stand or even a little kids' lemonade stand then you know that when something is made by the little guy it's almost always best. Society is full of all sorts mechanisms that function to make products more profitable, less labor intensive to make, and more standardized. The downside of this is of course that with quantity usually takes the place of quality.
Punk rock show photo
If you are reading this then chances are we can safely assume that you are into Punk rock or some other form of underground culture. In the same spirit of the music that we listen to, Big Wheel is run with the intention of making a product which represents the quality products that little guys can create. While the Country Time folks make powdered lemonade and the mainstream music industry makes the musical equivalent, we do our best to cover the bands who create the fresh squeezed Punk rock and Indie vibe that's made with love and the cultures that defy the notion of standardizing everything that used to be unique. Remember whether you are choosing lemonade or anything else, the little guy will almost always do it right.



Asst. Editor


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