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November 1, 2010

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As we wait patiently for Thanksgiving and the Charlie Brown Christmas Special we will be covering new music and big events, canada, mexico, india. Order Diflucan from mexican pharmacy, This month we are looking forward to lots of great stuff, most notably the Frontier Records showcase featuring the Adolescents, order Diflucan no prescription, Acheter en ligne Diflucan, acheter Diflucan bon marché, the Avengers, a reunion from Middle Class, Jacksonville, Florida, Columbus, Ohio, Diflucan price, and tons of other great bands. Us Southern California residents are all thankful to be a part of the country's greatest and most history rich Punk scene, online buying Diflucan. 1000mg, 2000mg, We are also glad to have other types of underground music to check out and hope that our readers' are having at least half as much fun as we are.

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