
Marky Ramone’s Blitzkrieg – at AAA – Chicago, IL

October 9, 2011

After bidding a bittersweet, yet fond, farewell to Weezer, the Congress Theatre, and Riot Fest, we headed a few miles down the street to see Marky Ramone's Blitzkrieg. Not only was this the cherry on top of the weekend, but it was the coup d'état of the entire festival. Although the entirety of the days leading up to Sunday night was amazing and almost without words, Marky Ramone on drums and Michale Graves on vocals blew the rest of the festival away.

I mean, holy cow! Riot Fest sure did deliver with this spectacular showcase of one of punk rock's most beloved icons. Instead of hosting the group at Congress Theatre, where the crowd would have been massive, it was held at a small club, called AAA, which created a very intimate environment. This was as close as it could come to being at CBGB's in the 70's.

Marky Ramone takes the stage and addresses the audience saying, "It's nice to play a club show again." As soon as the applause and cheers dies down, the group immediately starts in with high energy favorites "Lobotomy", "Psychotherapy", and "Do You Wanna Dance?" Michale Graves hits every note with as much tenacity and presence as Joey Ramone himself would have displayed. The crowd begins to push forward and that eruption of movement turns into a full-formed pit. Even in this tight space the crowd is respectful of one another. I, myself, needed to be in the front. I couldn't turn down the opportunity to be crushed against the stage, sweating and screaming every word to "Commando", "Beat on the Brat", and "53rd and 3rd"? Would you?

Every single song was met with an overwhelming emulation of joy, which presented itself in the physical form of movement and dance coming from the fans. From the stage, to the entrance, to the Red Bull bar, it was nothing but a mass of writhing and screaming bodies. It was a sight to behold and a beautiful moment to be a part of, not to mention the best way to end Riot Fest 2011.


Oh, Chicago-if it weren't for your winters, these LA girls would move there in a heartbeat. Thank you's all around to the promoters, venues, staff, security, bartenders, and the various and sundry involved in putting on Riot Fest. We'll see you next year. (Only 360 days and counting!)

                   More photos of the show can be seen HERE

      -Desire G.-
Big Wheel Music Scene Reporter



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